Did you ever notice, when people tell you you’ve changed,
it’s only because you stopped acting the way they want you to act.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Day by day nothing seems to change, but looking back on the year, everything will be different."

I feel that the biggest life decision I have made so far deserves a LONG  explanation, so here it is:

Its been one year since I made the biggest life altering decision ever! I moved 900 miles from home, all by myself to start an entirely new life from scratch. And it was the best thing I ever did! Change fascinates me. It can come at any moment and that’s what I love about it!! I love that life is a mystery! Its exhilarating! In just a month your life can change so much! You can see so much and hear so much and therefore learn and grow so much!!! I mean seriously, if you ask almost anyone if 6 months ago they thought they would be where they are, doing what they are doing right now, most would say “no way!” I love that the possibilities in life are endless. You should never feel trapped or in a rut because guess what, you are the one and only person in control of your life so all you have to do is go out and do something to change something about your life for the better and BAM your off on a new adventure. But guess what else, you can’t just sit back twiddling your thumbs waiting for that adventure to come find you, you gotta chase it down and work at it. Don’t be lazy, okay? I hate lazy people. And unmotivated people. When I see them I just wanna be like ‘GO DO SOMETHING WITH YOURSELF AND BE HAPPY!!!” Geeze I love life! I sure don’t miss who I was and the life I lived Just a year ago….wow it feels like so much longer than a year ago that I left my past in the dust to start this new life. And I sure did find it! And I’m not saying it was easy, it was probably one of the hardest things I will ever face in my life. I went through some shit to get to where I am and let me tell you this, there is no better feeling that accomplishment! Makes you feel invincible. You should try it sometime haha just set a challenging goal and then go out and do it without hesitation no matter what anyone says or how hard it is, don’t give up! Cuz when you reach that goal----and you will--- Your gonna feel higher than any drug could ever get you! Except maybe acid…I hear that shit is crazy. But don’t try acid. Just try to do something, please :) My goal came to me suddenly and I made it happen before I had the chance to change my mind. One day I decided I didn’t like the path my life was on... a path to nowhere. So I decided I would just move somewhere I had always wanted to visit. 2 days later, by coincidence, my aunt emailed me reminding me that I had never used my graduation present, plane tickets to Seattle. My mind was made. I came to visit and look for jobs and I fell in love with the city; The water, the architecture, the diversity, the people, the culture, the hussle and bussle of the city, and my mind raced with day dreams of all the experiences that it could provide me. 2 months later I was in a car with all my belongs driving off to begin my life alone in Seattle. Saying goodbye to my friends and family was the hardest things I think I have ever had to do. I didn’t let myself cry, I knew if I cried I would change my mind. So I held it all in through all the hugs and goodbyes and heartfelt conversations I had before I left. If anyone had any idea what I had felt like on the inside during those times… wow I thought I was gonna burst. But I did it! Then I got an amazing job and got into the early childhood education program just as I had wanted and I got an apartment in an amazing part of the city and I get to spend every day of my life strolling through the tall buildings of downtown seattle. Oh and guess what, it doesn’t rain as much as everyone says. You know how stories tend to grow, like in the game telephone you play when your little. Well this telephone has 900 miles to go from Seattle to Utah so guess what Utah peeps, it rains 2 or 3 times a week from October-May, and it NEVER snows!! Hell yes!! And the summers are absolutely beautiful, Seattle is surrounded by water, so no matter which direction you look, instead of seeing mountains you see beautiful, blue, sailboat filled water glistening in the sunlight. It makes your heart flutter with joy!!! Anyways, being alone was a bit hard at times, but I had my Aunt and Uncle, and I built good friendships with my co workers, which lead to more friendships thru them, and piece by piece my life in Seattle fell together. And then, just when I thought life couldn’t get anymore complete. I met Zac!!! Now, I’m flying through the clouds while all you people who are still so unsure and lost wander around below me. But guess what, I don’t like you being down there so please come join me! It’s a wonderful place up here, the clouds are made of cotton candy and you can jump around on them and feathers and buttlerfly come out of them and dance all over you and all you can do is laugh and la la loveeeee life. So like nike says… JUST DO IT! Wow I’m tired and crazyyyyy!!!! I have to wake up for work in 5 hours, blah. Dealing with 52 crazy preschoolers on 5 hours of sleep is sooo hard! But I will just blow bubbles on the playground, and finger paint and make playdough sculptures with my children all day long! Mmmm and I am going to make all of us yummy fruit parfaits for snack!!! YES! I love my job soooo much!! My students feel my head with laughter and my heart still melts every time I see their crooked toothed smile and hear their little voices saying “Miss linny! Miss linny!” Cutest thing ever! You should all spend more time hanging out with little kids so you don’t forget how to be silly! Always be silly! Be responsible! But silly, so you live longer and feel happy!! Oh and the best part about hanging out with children that aren’t your own… you don’t have to play the parental role, you get to be their friend! And who doesn’t want a bunch of 4 year old best friends!! Try to think of a more fun thing to do for 8 hours a day than to get to be a child again! I dare ya!!  Its like I go to neverland everyday! But also totally different… Hahaha K goodnight for real this time, no more rambling.  Sorry this was so long, it wont be like this everytime. Just this explanation stuff.


  1. I'm your newest follower! But I'll have you know; your words have a funny way of making me feel like I'm on acid when I read them, and I like it. :) I loved to read about how happy your are Linny, you totally deserve it! Keep it up!

  2. Haha well thanks Joey! I always wanted to give you a good acid trip :)
